Impact Stories

 We appreciate and value each story our Closet Managers share with us. Although only some stories are listed here, you can sign up for our newsletter by clicking the button below and get monthly updates on our impact on the community! Disclaimer: Names have been changed to protect privacy.


Sam’s story is one that is near and dear to our hearts. Sam is someone who we met whilst running an event to help those who are homeless. She talked about how she was dating a man who was abusive towards her. She got the courage to leave the man and got situated in a church; unfortunately, after being away from the man for six months, she thought she could change him for the better. She took him back, and her life slowly went downhill, to the point where she was homeless. We got Sam associated with another church and helped to put her into a situation for the better.

Joe’s Story

Joe is an 8-year-old child whom we were able to help through one of our Open Closets. Joe's parents were struggling with drugs, and his grandparents ended up taking him in. His grandparents did not realize how much of a financial responsibility Joe would be and ended up coming into one of our Open Closets seeking assistance. We were able to help Joe’s grandparents by supplying their family with clothing, shoes, a backpack, and other essentials their family needed. This allowed them to focus on paying bills, instead of focusing on providing Joe with the different items he needed!

Jamie’s Story

Jamie came into the Open Closet seeking help for her and her family. Her family was being evicted from their home. This included her, her husband, their three kids, and three other kids they rescued from homelessness. Jamie's husband was just laid off from his job, and Jamie had a disease where her body was becoming slowly paralyzed. We partnered with the community to help Jamie; we ended up getting her a month’s supply of food, completely new wardrobes for their kids, and over $200 in gift cards for food. Other members of the community were also able to help her find a place where she and her entire family could stay!

Patrica’s Story

Patricia was a child within the foster care system. She and her foster parents came into one of our Open Closets looking for new clothing because she came to them with nothing. We ended up putting together a box of four different outfits with the correct-sized clothing and dropping it off at the school for Patricia to have.